HOTELS is proud to announce a new awards program recognizing the top 10 leaders in five important categories, ranging from industry stewardship and operations, to development and next-generation leadership. Enter here.
HOTELS is accepting nominations for executive leaders in the following categories: ESG (environmental, social and governance), Food & Beverage, Independent Lifestyle Hotels, Emerging Brands and Young Hoteliers.
The HOTELS team, along with a panel of industry advisors, will review all the nominations and choose 10 winners in each of the five categories. The winners will be presented at HOTELS Opportunities Conference on August 27 at The Mandarin Oriental, Miami, and feature in the July/August issue of HOTELS.
We encourage entries from both corporate and independent hotel companies, and companies are welcome to enter multiple categories.
Again, entries can be submitted here. The deadline for submission is June 30, 2021. There are no fees associated with the program.

Here are the criteria for the five categories:
ESG – Awarded to hoteliers who lead environmental, social, and governance (ESG) efforts for their businesses. Criteria for this recognition include how a company performs as a steward of nature; how it manages relationships with employees, suppliers, customers, and the communities where it operates; and how it directs leadership, executive pay, audits, internal controls, and shareholder rights.
Food & Beverage: Awarded to F&B management and executive chefs who exhibit creative and relevant concept development, strong bottom line performance, ability to develop a cohesive team culture and deliver service excellence. Leaders must be able to demonstrate great passion for the business, inspire and motivate, be great communicators, delegate and make people accountable, demonstrate a strategic approach to business decisions, have impeccable integrity and a track record of achieving results.
Independent Lifestyle Operator: Awarded to leaders of individual hotels or groups of less than 5 to 10 hotels not affiliated with a major corporate operator. This category is for owner and operators who express unique elements of architecture, design, authenticity and service delivery to distinct target markets. They must successfully conceptualization, develop and perform at high levels. They must also show proven ability to adapt to market conditions, meet evolving customer expectations, deliver elements of intimacy and surprise, attract repeat business as well as new customers, and focus on quality management.
Emerging Brand Developers: Awarded to hoteliers who lead larger organizations and/or brands that are no more than 5 years old with a minimum pipeline or number of hotels open of 10.
Young Hoteliers: Awarded to up-and-comers age 35 and under who have held their current post for at least 9 months. Operators, developers, support services (design, procurement, consultancy, etc.) with a proven track record of delivering bottom line results in their areas of concentration. They must exemplify the spirit of a professional hotelier with strong leadership and problem-solving skills, as well as display potential for further development and success.
If you have any questions about the program, please submit them to