

Are you on HOTELS list of top companies?

It’s that time of year again: HOTELS presents its annual ranking of the top 300 corporate hotel companies and the top 25 marketing consortia. As well, we break out lists of the leading brands, and management and franchise companies.


It’s pretty obvious who’s number 1: Marriott International, which is sorting through its acquisition of Starwood — and it set to announce its new combined loyalty program tomorrow (although the company won’t give it a name until 2019. Elsewhere on the list, Wyndham Hotel Group and AccorHotels found growth in 2017 through acquisition and brand extension (Wyndham acquired La Quinta, Accor launched hostel brand Joe&Jo and took stakes in 25hours and Banyan Tree).

See the entire ranking, as well as different breakouts from our latest rankings to best understand the size and scope of what continues to be a growing marketplace. 

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